ENCKEP Final Action Conference
Friday 19 February 2021
Showcasing results from the Action and featuring external speakers
Open to all – please register to obtain a Zoom link
All timings are Central European Time (CET), GMT+1
Morning – audience: optimization experts and other interested parties
0930-1000: Fairness models for multi-agent kidney exchange programmes, Xenia Klimentova, Ana Viana, João Pedro Pedroso, Nicolau Santos (paper)
1000-1030: Novel Integer Programming models for the stable kidney exchange problem, Xenia Klimentova, Péter Biró, Ana Viana, Virginia Costa, João Pedro Pedroso (paper)
1030-1100: New algorithms for hierarchical optimisation in kidney exchange programmes, Maxence Delorme, Sergio García, Jacek Gondzio, Joerg Kalcsics, David Manlove and William Pettersson (paper)
1100-1130: break
1130-1200: Measuring the gains of the participation of compatible pairs to kidney exchange programs at a local level, Péter Biró, Radu Mincu, Lucrezia Furian, Antonio Nicolò
1200-1230: Long term simulation analysis of deceased donor initiated chains in kidney exchange programs, Utkarsh Verma, Narayan Rangaraj (paper)
Afternoon – audience: clinicians / policy makers and other interested parties
1400-1430: Demonstration of ENCKEP simulator, Xenia Klimentova / Péter Biró
1430-1500: Presentation of ENCKEP simulator results, Christian Jacquelinet
1500-1515: Transnational collaboration: STEP, Tommy Andersson
1515-1530: Transnational collaboration: CZ-AT / CZ-IL, Jiří Froněk
1530-1600: break
1600-1615: Transnational collaboration: ANZKX, Paolo Ferrari
1615-1645: Maintaining KPD while building LPE during a pandemic: the U.S. Experience,~ Ruthanne Leishman
1645-1700: closing remarks (David Manlove, Ana Viana, Joris van de Klundert)